Well for those of you who havn't seen Sam's blog...I won!! Whoop Whoop!
As there was a few of us heading up to Bristol, we decided to make more of a day of it and spend the morning in Bristol. I was a bit of a nervous wreck throughout the day so probably wasn't the best company! However we had a really stunning lunch from one of the stalls in St Nicholas market, and then discovered the most amazing sweet shop full of all the old style sweets in glass jars which provided a happy distraction. Though I quickly had my sweets taken away from me before I ate too many and made myself feel sick...my family know me too well!!
It was then on to competition time, which know I try to think back on it is all a bit of a blur. First up to dance where the amutuers..who I admire greatly for having the confidence to compete. I was the first to compete at my level, which was best in my opion. Sadly nerves got the better of me slightly and I had a few wobbly moves which threw me and my confidence but other than that I'm happy with the way things went...I just need to work more on slowing my routine down and posing my moves for longer. Following my level was the professionals, with Sam performing first.
I personally think this was the best I have ever seen Sam perform, she looked so beautiful and elegant, her routine flowed perfectly and she made it look completely effortless. I honestly sat there in awe throughout.
So now it's on to training for the finals, as I have to have a whole new routine to a different song! And in the process I need to overcome my nerves and squeeze in as many performances as I can.
I also have to say a massive thankyou to all my family who travelled up to Bristol with me and put up with my crouchy nervous self throughout the day! And also to Sam and Jo for their support!
Oh and any song suggestions welcome please!