Thursday 4 September 2008

Pole Divas!

As I'm sure many of you know, most likely from hearing me and Sam in a state of panic, the South West heats for Pole Divas are taking place this Saturday in Bristol. This is my first ever competiton and only my fourth ever performance and it's safe to say the nerves are definately taking over!
I am entering the amatuer/advanced level and have absolutely no idea what to expect of the other competitors and what level they will be at. It has also turned into a bit of a family day out and will be the first time my Dad has seen me peform in about a year (the first time in which I managed to fall on my head!), just to add on some extra pressure! Yesterday was my last day of training to give my body a chance to rest as I'm suffering from rather a lot of friction burns and bruises, so that hopefully I shall be in full strength again on Saturday.
Now I just have to get my head round this very bizarre mixture of emotions, as half of me cannot wait to see how the day unfolds and get up on the stage and the other half would quite like to curl up in a ball and pretend it's not happening! Anyway hopefully the performance shall be filmed so if all goes well it shall be posted!

3 comments: said...

Cool, your first blog! I woke up at about 4am this morning and was going over my routine in my head! Looking forward to Sunday!

Sam x

ArtofdanceJo said...

You'll be brilliant Tamar - just remember don't rush it! You're a fabulous dancer, so just try and enjoy it. I'll be there to cheer you and Sam on.
Jo xxx

artofdanceRosanna said...

You will be fab Tamar - Steve & I will be cheering you on from London on saturday. xxx